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Change in the name of the Company

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A Quick glance of   "Change in name of the company"

The following eforms need to be filed:

1. The existing company needs to reserve the name through ‘RUN’.
2. After the name is approved, MGT-14 (necessary resolution for alteration of Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association (MOA and AOA) needs to be filed.
3. eForm INC-24 (Application for approval of Central Government for change of name) needs to be give effect to change in name.

Your Documents are ready already? Then, It is great!

Not to worry! Your confidential data will be super secure with us. Post successful process, data will be destroyed automatically!

Please upload the required documents for immediate action on the registration process of Change in name of the Company. Kindly provide your email here! Hence, after the submission, we shall send you the acknowledgement of same.

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Our Technical Associate will guide you to fillup the details, please give a call to this number 9940413067.
